Tropic Zone Exotic Birds - Adoptions


We are not a rescue, and we don't take birds on consignment, but sometimes life changes. Divorce, a death in the family, or a move out of the country can throw life into chaos. What happens with your parrot when your job takes you out of the country? Will the country you're moving to let you bring the parrot with you? Will it have to stay in quarantine for many months, away from you and everyone else it knows? Many parrots have very long lives, so what happens to them when you approach the end of your own? It's something to think about, and a hard decision to make. In most circumstances, we can help you with that.

We take birds as surrenders and then try our best to find an amazing home for them. During the surrender process we try to gather as much information about the bird as possible. This is a member of your family and we want to know as much as we can so we can help find the next family and make it the best fit possible. Once legal ownership is transferred to us, we will take the bird to our avian certified vet for a health checkup and after a little time to settle into the routine of the store, we make them available for adoption. The adoption process requires multiple visits under the watchful eye of a Tropic Zone employee. Birds pick their human and if the bird makes it clear that they aren't interested in you, then the adoption will not be possible. During the visits we look for signs that the bird can bond to you and that it will fit with not only you, but your family. If the bird is friendly to adults, but afraid of children, it might not be a good fit if you have little ones at home. Children may have the best of intentions, but some birds don't interact well with them and the potential for a little one to get a nasty bite is just too much of a risk to take. It's not always a deal breaker, but certainly something to consider.

Once we feel there is a good fit, then the adoption can proceed. There is a reasonable fee associated with each bird. We don't do this for profit, so the costs usually involve what we've spent on veterinarian care and food expenses. Sometimes it can take a long time to find just the right fit for a bird. We had a small blue fronted amazon with us for 11 months before we found the perfect home for him.

Birds up for adoption are a very small part of our overall business. As stated above, we aren't a rescue. Sometimes we don't have anything available and sometimes we have so many that we have to stop accepting birds for surrender until we can free up some space.

Tropic Zone © 2007 - 2023

Page last updated: 7/6/23