Meet Ethel

Ethel is a female Yellow Naped Amazon and is 8 - 10 years old. Ethel has a preference for woman but has had successful interactions with some men. It's all about what she wants. She can be shy with new people and is sometimes afraid of new things. Her diet is pellets, chopped fruit and veggies, and she loves pistachios.

Ethel can be anxious and she honks when she wants attention. Once she warms up to you and love to have her head scratched. She has a bit of a vocabulary and has been known to say "Bro!" and "Oh My God". She also loves being misted with a water bottle.

Adoptions require multiple visits over the course of at least 2 weeks before the bird can go home with you. We look for the interaction between the bird and the prospective owner. It's important that the bird can form a bond with you and if the bird makes it clear that it does not like you, then the adoption will not be possible. Tropic Zone is a very different environment from the home environment the bird was used to. Birds available for adoption may have behavioral quirks such as aggression, biting, screaming, or the use of foul language, and many time these behaviors do not appear until after the bird leaves the store and returns to a quieter home environment. We make every effort to notify you of behaviors we know about, but Tropic Zone takes no responsibility for behaviors that appear after the bird leaves the store.

Tropic Zone © 2007 - 2024

Page last updated: 9/9/24